A free Singapore buses and MRT arrival time app with maps and real time traffic.Easy SG Transport is a free, simple and useful Singapore buses and MRT
A free Singapore buses and MRT arrival time app with maps and real time traffic.
Easy SG Transport is a free, simple and useful Singapore buses and MRT arrival time application with notifications, maps and real time traffic conditions.
★★★The first app of its kind to design with the blind and visually handicapped people in mind.
Now checked bus timing will be read out to the user when phone is in talk back mode.★★★
★★★Set notification for bus arrival at preceding bus stop by pressing exclamation mark icon and you can continue to use other apps like Facebook, browser and email, the system will keep updating you with arrival time of selected bus until it arrives at preceding bus stop.★★★
✔ check bus arrival times for SBS and SMRT buses.
✔ check MRT arrival times for SMRT trains.
✔ Google's real time traffic status can be seen on the maps.
✔ bus timing read out for blind and visually handicapped people in talk back mode.
✔ nearby stops and stops along a road can be seen on the Map
✔ current location can be seen on a bus route by clicking map icon in FAV. page.
✔ easy to use add/delete favourite icons
✔ useful bus arrival time notification minutely until it arrives at preceding stop [beta]
✔ show nearby bus stops
✔ search buses and roads
✔ swipe to access different tabs
✔ neat user interface
Google's real time traffic status can be seen on the maps.
Green: more than 80 kilometers per hour
Yellow: 40 - 80 kilometers per hour
Red: less than 40 kilometers per hour
Red/Black: very slow
Gray: no data currently available
If you think the application useful, please leave a good rating and some comments.
Thank you for using Easy SG Transport and have a pleasant journey.
If you encounter any crashes, please click the report button to be able to improve the app.
For feedback for improvement and bug report,
Please like the Facebook Page @
Known Issues:
- Nearby tab not refreshed. Some Android 4.X.X OS version has some problems with map and location issue. Other similar apps like mine are also having the problem only Google Map app is working fine. You can temporarily fix it by restarting the device.
Version : 7.0.4
✔ fixed forced close on "!" click on some device
Version : 7.0.3
✔ added bus 120 route
✔ fixed duplicate bus number in interchange
✔ fixed crashes on 2.3.x
Version : 7.0.2
✔ Introducing speaking out of bus arrival timing for blind and visually handicapped people in talk back mode.
✔ Removed finished checking preceding stop notification.
✔ New notification tone for arrival at preceding stop.